Getting Involved in Your Child's Music Education

There are a lot of opportunities to be involved in your child's Band experience. Indian Ridge Middle School always needs active members of the PTSO, chaperones for trips, and general school volunteers. 

Click here to become a Broward Schools Volunteer.

The best way to get involved is to participate in the IRMS Music Boosters and lend a hand at our events. All volunteers must be cleared through Broward Schools.

The IRMS Music Boosters

The IRMS Music Boosters Inc. is comprised of a group of volunteers that organize and maintain the quality of the band program at Indian Ridge Middle School. 

The responsibility of the Band Patrons Association include, but are not limited to:

The IRMS Music Boosters works hard to ensure our band members have everything the need to look, sound and feel their very best. If you have questions about volunteering, getting involved, or are non-classroom related, please contact the boosters via email All donations made to the IRMS Music Boosters are tax deductible. 

2024-2025 officers:

President: Kelly Brosche

Vice President: Carolina Ortiz

Recording Secretary: Rebekah Manross

Corresponding Secretary: Mabelle Creve-Coeur

Treasurer: Kathleen Piano

Booster email:

Indian Ridge Middle School Jaguar Band
1355 S Nob Hill Rd
Davie, FL 33324
(754) 323-3300